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Long stay Centro Turistico San Nicola

The more you stay, the more you save!

One night is on us!

Centro Turistico San Nicola invites you to enjoy an unforgettable holiday with an extraordinary offer that rewards you for every extra night you decide to spend with us. Here’s how it works:

  • From 17th August to 14th September – Stay 7 nights and pay only 6! A whole night free to relax and enjoy our beautiful campsite.
  • From 14th September to 15th October – Stay 7 nights and pay only 5! Two complimentary nights to explore even more.

📅 Reservation period: from the 17th August till the 15th October

🏡 Accommodation: all our Premium, Premium Plus and paradise picthes, and all our cosy mobile homes and bungalows

Don’t miss out on this fantastic savings opportunity. Book now and pack your bags for a summer adventure at Centro Turistico San Nicola! 🌴🌞

👉 Book now and save! 👈

Legal Conditions

• Valid for stays booked between the 17th of August and the 15th of October
• Valid on specific types of accommodation
• Cannot be combined with other offers
• Valid for bookings only
• In order to confirm the displayed rate, a down payment must be made within 7 days from the reception of the quote.
After this deadline, rates may be subject to change. When booking, we therefore recommend that you check the rate by contacting our booking centre.

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